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Evaluation of Dynamic Postural Stability During Functional Landing in Athletes With Chronic Ankle Instability




In this study, athletes with different levels of ankle sprains were asked to perform the functional forward jump, and examined the postural stabilities of groups of the chronic ankle instability (CAI), copers, and healthy athletes. Thirty collegiate division I athletes were participated and filled up the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool. Athletes were equally assigned into three groups, including CAI, coper, and healthy groups. Participants were asked to jump forward, followed with a single-leg landing and maintained balance for 5 seconds. After collecting the related biomechanical data, the differences of postural stability parameters during jump-landing among the CAI, coper, and healthy groups were analyzed. The results showed that the healthy group had higher excursion displacement, the velocity of the center of pressure, vertical indices, total indices, greater vertical ground reaction force, and higher loading rate at landing than other two groups. We found athletes in the CAI group performed task with specific strategies, using lower landing force, loading rate, and less variability of postural control. These findings conclude that athletes with CAI develop a safer and stable landing pattern in order to maintain the postural stability. Furthermore, athletes with CAI adopted a unique joint coordination strategy, which provide a better control of dynamic postural stability during dynamic landing task.


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