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A Discourse of "Embodiment" in Physical Education Lessons Using the Core Philosophical Concepts of Whitehead's "Physical Literacy"


「身體素養」(physical literacy)這一概念,在英國學者Margaret Whitehead的學術脈絡裡有著以「哲學」為基礎的特殊意涵。在「現象學」和「存在主義」哲學的發展下,「具身性」的論述,成為Whitehead發展身體素養概念的重要核心。人的具身性面向是指,人在前意識、前反思中的狀態中,身體經驗會不斷與周遭環境產生互動,形成新的身體經驗。在運動哲學的關懷之下,本研究試圖在體育課堂的語境裡,闡釋「具身性」的具體意涵,以補足相關文獻在討論Whitehead身體素養概念時,所缺乏的哲學基礎。有關「具身性」意涵的闡釋,本研究主要從Iris Marion Young的現象學視角切入,以其所描繪的周遭空間為脈絡,進而形成「以身體為跳板」這一「具身性」的哲思,粗略描繪出原有的身體經驗在面對身體活動的任務時,產生出新的身體經驗之面貌。此外,本文也借用Whitehead的現象學觀點,她將「互動」闡述為是知覺與回應的過程,這提供本研究進一步描繪出身體經驗與外在世界互動過程的可能面貌,而形成「操作性意向是知覺的地基」的哲思。藉由前述2位學者的獨特觀點,讓原本易被忽視、難以說明,卻極為重要的「具身性」哲學概念,透過體育課堂的語境,能加以被闡釋出來;這對理解Whitehead身體素養概念的新義,開啟了一個哲學與實務相互說明的通道。


周遭空間 運動哲學 現象學


The concept of physical literacy, as developed in Margaret Whitehead's publications, draws its distinctive characteristics in part from philosophical modes of inquiry such as phenomenology and existentialism. The embodied nature of physical literacy gives embodiment a focal role in the discourse around Whitehead's concept. Human beings' embodied dimension refers to a pre-conscious and pre-reflective state in which embodiment constantly interacts with its surroundings to form new lived experiences. Under the consideration of philosophy of sport, the present study aims to fills a lacuna in literature dealing with Whitehead's physical literacy concept by addressing embodiment's concrete meanings in the context of physical education lessons. It draws on 2 scholars' perspectives on phenomenology: first, Iris Marion Young's perspective is deployed to develop embodiment's concrete meanings within the philosophical thought of "body as a stepping stone," with lived space as the context. It roughly describes a new dimension in the lived experiences created when previous lived experiences come face to face with daily physical tasks. Second, the present study describes the interaction between lived experiences and the outside world by building on Whitehead's thought, which interprets interaction as perception and responses. This discussion contributes to the model of "operative intentionality as the basis of perception." Through these scholars' unique perspectives, the abstract but vital philosophical concept of embodiment can be interpreted in the concrete context of physical education lessons. This opens a new channel through which philosophy and practice complement each other to aid in comprehension of the new meaning taken by Whitehead's physical literacy concept.


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