  • 期刊


The Healing Power of Dancing Together: A Narrative Inquiry of Dance Therapy for People With Dementia


本研究以敘事研究方法,目的在探究舞蹈治療應用於失智症者之實踐觀點及轉化效應。以「類別-內容」分析歸納蒐集9位平均年齡71.8歲、診斷為失智症之研究參與者,在每週2次、每次1.5 h,共計20次之舞蹈治療團體影音及團體紀錄等資料。研究結果指出舞蹈治療團體帶有3個實踐觀點:一、不讓診斷限制我們的能力;二、以簡單與重複法則喚醒身體意識;三、看見交互影響動力,以及參與者有3個轉化過程:一、從理所當然到發現身體存在與支持;二、從僵直的姿態到動作自然流動;三、從孤獨到共鳴與連結。本研究結論:研究以現實情境為研究場境,透過分析初步確認此舞蹈治療團體確有其效益,可作為失智症非藥物處方及實務工作者參酌。未來將依診斷以及程度分類,進一步聚焦生心理相關指標之效益進行實驗性研究,續證此方法之效益。


The purpose of this study was to explore the practice viewpoints and transformational effects of dance therapy applied to people with dementia through narrative inquiry. Nine participants, diagnosed as dementia with an average age of 71.8 years old, participated in the dance therapy group twice a week. There were 20 sessions, 1.5 hours per session. Data were collected from the video and audio recordings, the group records, and the field notes, and analyzed by "categorical-content" in a narrative analysis method The results of this study showed that the dance therapy group has three practice viewpoints: 1. not allowing diagnosis to limit our abilities; 2. awakening body consciousness through the principle of simplicity and repetition; 3. being aware of the influence by dynamic interaction. The participants had three transformation processes of: 1. from taking it for granted to discovering the presence and the support from the body; 2. from a rigid posture to a natural flow of movement; 3. from loneliness to resonance and connection. In conclusion, the actual field was regarded as the research field in this study. Through the analysis, this model (dance therapy) showed its preliminary effects and can be considered as a reference in nonpharmacological prescriptions. In the future, we will conduct experimental research on the benefits of health-related indicators, based on diagnosis and severity classification, to study further the effectiveness of this model.


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