  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Family-Centered Short-Term Speech Therapy to Children With Language Delay




According to previous studies, the language ability of preschool children with language development delay will be improved by teaching parents parent-child interaction skills. This has the same effect as the speech therapy offered by the speech language pathologist. This study will investigate the effect of traditional and modified family-centered therapy on preschool children with language development delay. Twenty-six children with preschool language developmental delay (3-5 years) were recruited in this study. According to the wishes of parents, children were divided into two groups using traditional and modified family-centered therapies. The children were assessed in terms of the effect at three time points, pre-therapy, post-therapy (after 10 sessions) and three months after post-therapy. The assessment tool is Preschool Language Scale-Revised. The results showed that both traditional and family-centered therapies could significantly improve the language ability of preschool children with language development delay. The results of follow-up evaluations (three months after post-therapy) showed that family-centered therapy can significant improve children's language comprehension or expression. There were little progress or even regression in children receiving traditional therapy. Limited by human factors, this study only used standardized tests to roughly understand the children's language performance before and after intervention. This study is divided into groups according to the wishes of parents, but the wishes and enthusiasm of parents are also important factors affecting the parent-child interaction. It is recommended that future studies should be conducted in a randomized manner and include the socioeconomic background of the family as an indicator for analysis. In addition to standardized tests, more criterion-referenced tests should be analyzed and individual performance tracked over longer periods of time.


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