  • 期刊


Discussion on the Rational Compensation Norms of Building Ownership in the Urban Consolidation: House Owners without Land Titles are Deemed as Relocation Households?




Urban consolidation is a comprehensive land improvement project based on the content of urban planning to promote more reasonable and economical use of land in order to enhance overall urban construction and development. The mechanism of urban consolidation is based on the strong involvement of the "land owners" within the system. However, the regulations of the urban consolidation do not have provisions to guarantee rights for the owners of the building (house owners). When urban redevelopment is happening for subsequent development and construction, most of the buildings within the scope of the urban consolidation face the threat of demolition where some certain scale of forced eviction will also be carried out with only relocation compensation being given. In comparison with urban renewal and land expropriation, urban consolidation has been too outdated for protecting the rights of building owners, and there are doubts about violation of the right to adequate housing. This article discusses the rights and interests of building owners as "buildings" are now included in the scope of urban consolidation. Firstly, it explores the issue of demolition compensation for the buildings after the rezoning is being implemented. The two United Nations conventions explain the right to adequate housing and adequate standard of compensation to the people whose houses will be demolished. After the regulation of demolition compensation is being discussed, the rights for leasehold land will be reviewed to distinguish whether there is a land use right for "leasehold land", and the corresponding rights protection for different types of "leasehold land" in the urban consolidation will be examined. This article suggests that from the perspective of the right to adequate housing and based on the principles of protecting the building ownership rights brought about by the urban consolidation, consideration should be given to the impact of economic activities and other human rights closely related to the forced eviction. Apart from the surrender of buildings, the influence and scale of impact of the forced relocation caused by the urban development on the right to adequate housing must also be measured. In addition, the replacement cost for relocation, settlement and other relevant economic activities for building owners must also be acknowledged.


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