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Strategic planning vision and some key directions for economic breakthroughs during 2021-2025 period:A study of Binh Duong-Vietnam and Smart City Program


Grounded by industrialization, in 2015, Binh Duong started to deliver a Smart City Program to drive disruptive socio-economic development in the province and build preparedness for the Industry 4.0 era, and has achieved great successes to lay the first stepping stones. At the entrance of 2021-2025 period with expected booms in the science and technology industry and new business models, Binh Duong envisions to drive further breakthroughs and transform itself to a higher level of development. However, the COVID 19 outbreak in early 2020 and resulting global economic downturns are creating new challenges, requiring Binh Duong to revisit its core leading industries for more focused investment. The paper will analyze the strategic planning vision and some key development directions in the next phase under the Binh Duong Smart City Program, in order to meet the pressing needs of the industry to tackle challenges, create stronger momentum of economic breakthroughs and lead the province to a new height.


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