  • 期刊


Research on the Relationships between Training Program for Principalship and Efficacy of Leadership in Elementary Schools




This study was to investigate the process of efficacy of leadership for prospective principals in elementary schools, and at the same time to audit effects and related factors of a training program designed especially for prospective principals. Firstly, this researcher established a conceptual framework of efficacy on administrative leadership by literature review. Then, using 15 qualified prospective principals as subjects, a training program for prospective principals initiated in the summer of year 2006 was analyzed. Research methods such as content analysis, questionnaire, checklist, and semi-structured individual interview were adopted to collect relevant data for analyzing and understanding the effects and related factors of this training program on prospective principals' efficacy of leadership. Based on findings of this research, conclusions were synthesized and suggestions for educational practice, especially for training of principal-ship, and further study were provided. Major conclusions of this research were as the followings: (1) The influence on prospective principals' efficacy of leadership during the training stages depends mainly on contents of training curriculum and activity. (2) The mode of influence on prospective principals' efficacy of leadership during the training stages is somewhat different.


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