  • 期刊


The Curriculum Evaluation Indicators in Senior High Schools Based Upon 108 Curriculum Guidelines




In this study, curriculum plans of 12 senior high schools were selected and document analysis method was used to analyze the current situation of curriculum evaluation indicators contents in Taiwan's senior high schools. Starting from the context and difficulties of implementing curriculum evaluation in Taiwan currently, the researchers explain the theory of curriculum evaluation, the significance of evaluation indicators and the concept of curriculum evaluation, and review the relevant studies on curriculum evaluation indicators. The results indicate that the characteristics of curriculum evaluation indicators for senior high school based upon 108 curriculum guidelines are as follows: (1) most of the school evaluation indicators are established by the curriculum development council and the school curriculum self-evaluation group. (2) The school administrators prefer to apply or slightly modify the existing curriculum evaluation indicator structure. (3) The curriculum evaluation project of each school mostly takes the curriculum development process as the design direction. (4) the goal-attainment model is commonly found in the curriculum evaluation indicators of each school. (5) most schools adopt the purpose of "evaluation is to improve". In terms of the differences of curriculum evaluation indicators among high schools, some curriculum evaluation indicators are integrated into the content and objectives of 108 curriculum guidelines, as well as the participation of teachers' professional community or the practice of curriculum preparation. While some schools design curriculum evaluation indicators based on students' learning and needs, others focus on teachers' teaching evaluation. After a comprehensive analysis, the researcher concluded that the curriculum evaluation indicators were effective and appropriate, and they both meet goal-achievement model and CIPP model. From the difference, we can know that the value and idea of school administrators affect the content of curriculum evaluation indicators, and the policy can be implemented by setting up evaluation indicators.


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