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The Factors of Scientific Achievement of Male and Female Students in Grade 8 in Taiwan: A Multi-level Model Analysis


現有針對國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查資料的研究以學生特質、數學學習動機和學習成就的關聯居多;很少研究八年級學生科學學習成就的相關因素。本研究以臺灣參與TIMSS 2011的136所國中八年級4,679名學生資料,區分男女生以多層次模式分析。獲得以下結論:(一)國中校際之間的差異可以解釋八年級男生、女生科學成就各有14.47%與18.82%,而校際差異對科學學習成就預測力比起校內因素低。(二)男女生都是家庭學習資源、自我教育期望、科學自信心、學習投入、喜歡科學程度愈高,科學學習成就愈高,然而女生的科學價值提升他們的科學學習成就,男生則否;在六個學生因素中,男女生都是自我教育期望最重要,而女生的第二項重要因素是家庭學習資源,男生則是科學自信心。(三)學校規模愈大、愈在都會區、學校愈有學術導向,男女生科學學習成就比較高;然而學校科學教學資源沒有明顯提升男女生科學學習成就。(四)學校所在地、學校規模與性別對科學學習成就具有調節作用,也就是都會區學校的男生科學自信心高,科學學習成就愈好;而規模大的學校,女生科學自信心高,科學學習成就愈好。本研究貢獻在於發現校際之間差異對男女科學學習成就的重要性,同時女生家庭學習資源對學習表現的重要,以及男女生在城鄉學校科學學習表現所帶來的差異。


Existing researches on TIMSS were mostly based on the correlation between student traits, mathematics learning motivation and learning achievement; few studies had been conducted on the factors related to the science learning achievement of eighth graders. This study used the data of 4,679 eighth-grade students from 136 junior high schools in Taiwan who participated in TIMSS 2011 to distinguish between male and female students in a multi-level analysis. The following conclusions were obtained: 1 The differences between middle schools and middle schools can explain the 14.47% and 18.82% of the eighth grade boys and girls in science achievement respctively, and the difference between schools had a lower explanatory power for science learning achievements than the internal factors. 2 Both boys and girls were family learning resources, self-education expectations, scientific self-confidence, learning commitment, and the higher the level of science, the higher the scientific learning achievement. However, the scientific value of female students enhanced their scientific learning achievements, while male students did not. Among the six student factors, boys and girls were the most important self-education expectations, while the second important factor for girls was family learning resources, and boys were scientific self-confidence. 3 The larger the school, the more it was in the metropolitan area, the more academically oriented the school, and the higher the scientific learning achievements of boys and girls; however, the school's science education resources had not significantly improved the scientific learning achievements of boys and girls respctively. 4 The location of the school, school size, and gender had a moderating effect on scientific learning achievements, that is, boys in metropolitan schools had higher scientific self-confidence and better scientific learning achievements; while in large-scale schools, females had higher scientific self-confidence and scientific learning, and better the achievement. The contributions of this research lid in the discovery of the importance of inter-school differences for male and female science learning achievements, the importance of female home learning resources for learning performance, and the differences brought about by male and female students' scientific learning performance in urban and rural schools.


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