  • 期刊


The Beginning of Promoting Bilingual Teaching in Hualien County Junior High School: The Dean's Perspective




In 2018, the Ministry of Education cooperated with the "2030 Bilingual National Policy Development Blueprint" announced by the National Development Commission. The purpose of this research is to explore the current situation and predicament of the implementation of bilingual teaching in the pilot national secondary schools in Hualien County, and then develop the education policy for the subsequent implementation of bilingual teaching as a reference for the implementation of bilingual teaching. This research adopts the case study method and uses semi-structured in-depth interviews in the research process. The interviewee is the academic director of the bilingual national secondary school established by the leading pilot in Hualien County. This study believes that the follow-up educational policies and school strategies to promote bilingual teaching are as follows: (1) Government units can formulate more relevant incentives to allow more teachers and schools to participate. (2) The government establishes a school administrative unit for full-time bilingual education. (3) The establishment of bilingual environment in schools. (4) Dual-pipe teaching of English classroom teaching and bilingual teaching courses in schools. (5) Changes in personal beliefs of school teachers. (6) School teachers explore the bilingual characteristics of each student.


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