  • 期刊


The Development of Academic Research on Gesture-based Interface Design: A Review and Synthesis


目前我們正處於傳統的WIMP介面轉向自然互動介面的階段。手勢作為自然互動介面中最重要的輸入模式之一已經引起了各界的關注。然而在設計研究領域,以手勢為互動基礎的介面研究仍處於起步階段。而人機互動介面易用性的提升則需要對新的輸入模式進行廣泛的研究和應用。因此,本研究使用Web of Science和臺灣期刊論文索引系統資料庫,藉由後設研究法收集並分析先前國際與臺灣手勢互動相關之學術研究論文,藉此了解手勢互動學術研究之現況、專業學術期刊及重要主題等。最後,本研究提出5個從設計研究角度切入手勢互動學術研究的重點:1.手勢如何代替滑鼠進行目標指向和選擇;2.如何選擇合適的手勢來產生指令;3.手勢輸入如何應用於多重感官互動之中;4.以手勢為互動基礎的介面和傳統UI介面的區別;5.以手勢為互動基礎的設計如何驗證其效用、效率和滿意度。期許,本研究的成果可以鼓勵更多的設計研究人員加入手勢互動設計研究領域之中,並為實務設計及學術研究提供重要參考。


We are in the transition from a traditional WIMP interface to a natural interaction interface. Gesture as one of the most important input modes in the natural interaction interface has attracted the attention of all circles. However, in the field of design research, gesture-based interface research is still in its infancy. Therefore, this study aims to assess the international and Taiwanese academic research development in gesture-based interface via Web of Science and Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System of National Central Library. This study employs the meta-analysis methodology to collect and analyze academic research articles of gesture interaction and reviews the current research development, academic subject areas, professional journals, and important topics. Finally, this study proposes five emphases of academic research on gesture interaction from the perspective of design research: 1. How to point and select targets by gesture; 2. How to select appropriate gestures to generate commands; 3. Differences between gesture-based interface and traditional UI interface; 4. Usability research on the gesture-based interface; 5. How gesture input can be applied to the multimodal interface. Hopefully, the results of this study can be treated as a reference for practical design and academic research.


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