  • 期刊


Effects of Overview Map Size and Transparency Degree on the Interface Usability of Wayfinding Maps in Virtual Environments


隨著虛擬環境的廣泛應用,導航輔助工具的視覺設計更顯重要,然而目前俯瞰地圖的使用性研究仍顯缺乏。本研究旨在探討俯瞰地圖尺寸與透明度視覺變量,對虛擬環境中尋路績效與主觀感受的影響。實驗採用便利抽樣法邀請72位受測者進行2(1/2螢幕、1/16螢幕)x2(20%透明度、80%透明度)受試者間實驗。結果發現:1. 在難度較低的任務下,80%透明度的俯瞰地圖尋路績效優於20%透明度。2. 在難度較高的任務下,尺寸為1/16螢幕的俯瞰地圖尋路績效優於1/2螢幕。3. 主觀偏好與績效表現的工作負荷程度評價中,尺寸為1/16螢幕的俯瞰地圖優於1/2螢幕。4. 使用80%透明度的俯瞰地圖心智需求的工作負荷程度低於20%透明度。5. 1/2螢幕尺寸、20%透明度的俯瞰地圖在所有評估中均表現最差。


Navigational support plays an important role in the virtual environment. However, previous studies have not focused on the usability of overview maps. This study investigated the effects of overview map size and transparency degree on users' performance and feelings in virtual environments. Seventy-two participants were invited to take part in the experiment by using convenient sampling method. This experiment implemented a 2 (size) x 2 (transparency) between-subjects design. The results are as follows: (1) Subjects performed better using 80% transparent overview map than 20% transparent in an easy task. (2) Subjects performed better using overview map in the condition of 1/16 screen size than 1/2 screen size in a difficult task. (3) Concerning subjective evaluations of preference and performance, overview map in the condition of 1/16 screen size was better than 1/2 screen size. (4) 80% transparent overview map was better than 20% transparent concerning subjective evaluations of mental demand. (5) Evaluations of 20% transparent overview map in the condition of 1/2 screen size was the worst among others.


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