  • 期刊


Possible Operating Principles of Acupuncture, Qigong, I-Ching Divination and Feng Shui




心理暗示 針灸 氣功 卜卦 風水 陰陽五行


This paper attempts to decipher the principles of acupuncture, qigong, I-Ching divination and feng shui. People always use the "true/false dichotomy" to look at everything. Superstition is regarded as "false" and facts are regarded as "true". Beliefs (including superstitions) are real on a psychological level, i.e. subjective reality. However, the observer effect in quantum mechanics shows that subjective reality and objective reality cannot be clearly separated and that the former can be transformed into the latter. As such, the worldview of the true/false dichotomy will definitely go bankrupt. The author argues that the theories of acupuncture and the Yin-Yang and Wuxing (Five Elements) may be fabricated, but their healing effects can be true(i.e., the theory is false, but the effect is true). Meridian system, acupuncture points, and yoga chakras may be made up by the ancients, but their physiological sensations, physical effects, and fantasy uses can be real. The sensation of "Qi" running through the body may be a realistic illusion generated by psychological suggestion, but the distant destruction power(palm force of qigong martial arts)and healing power (spiritual energy of medical qigong)of "external Qi" released by the qigong masters can be real. The meaning of the hexagrams in the I-Ching may be arbitrarily set by the ancients, but its function of divining good and bad fortune can be true. Feng Shui layout and witchcraft rituals may be fabricated out of thin air, but the effect of changing fortune and luck can be real. Superstition is foolish, but the interesting thing is that superstition can be self-fulfilling, turning "false" to "true" and helping "a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while". All theurgies have side effects and are not the right way to do things, so Xun Kuang said, "Those who really know the I-Ching do not do I-Ching divination." Quantum phenomena and psychokinesis show that reality on the mental level can be transformed into reality on the physical level. Confidence seems to be the key to transforming subjective reality into objective reality. This paper attempts to clarify the psychological mechanisms and physical principles of the ancient theurgies.
