  • 期刊


The "Magical Realism" in the Old Man's Writing: A case study in Huang Chunming and Wang Jenhe's Novels


以黃春明小說中的老人形象進行老人議題研究,一直深受學術圈青睞,尤其他那每一篇都是以老年人為主角的小說集-《放生》。《放生》收錄了十篇短篇小說,其中寫於1998年的〈死去活來〉、〈銀鬚上的春天〉和〈呷鬼的來了〉因具鄉野傳奇特色,放在主調為社會寫實的系列小說特別顯眼,也引人好奇如此異趣之作只是寫作技法的多元嘗試,抑或更為深刻的反思?事實上,三篇小說的神祕經驗,似乎延續了上個世紀八〇年代在台灣勃興的魔幻現實主義(Realismo Mágico),只是小說以九〇年代後農村的老人議題為主,這就讓人不能不參照王禎和寫於1983年的〈老鼠捧茶請人客〉。王禎和的小說被視為有南美魔幻寫實風格,但與其他八〇年代同類作品不同,小說並未涉及政治或歷史議題,而是關注鄉村老人在都市的處境。有趣的是「獨居老人」在拉美魔幻現實書寫中占有重要地位,本文將藉由兩位台灣作家作品中的魔幻現(寫)實,重新思考老人議題的同時,也將借鑑拉美相關小說,進行跨域對話,再探魔幻現實主義在台灣的本土化。


The study of the images of the elderly in Chun-Ming Huang's novels has been favored constantly by academic circles, especially the collection of short novels featuring the aged protagonists: "Setting Free". Within the collection, stories such as, 'Hover Between Life and Death', 'Spring on the Silver Whiskers' and 'The Coming of the Ghost' which were written in 1998 are particularly prominent in the series of socially realistic novels for their rural legendary characteristics. They also draw people's curiosity about whether works with such interesting and alternative flavors are just a diversified attempt at writing techniques or more profound implications that were hidden behind. In fact, this mystery in the three novels seems to be a continuation of Realismo Mágico, which flourished in Taiwan in the 1980s. If anything is differently remarkable, these novels reflect the rural reality of the post-90s villages which makes Wang Jenhe's "The Mouse Serves a Guest Tea" (1983) even more worthy of mentioning. Unlike other magical realistic works of the 80s, Wang's novel, which has been long recognized in magical realism with South American style, is not concerned with political or historical events, but with the contemporary situation of the rural elders in the city. It is interesting to note that "old people living alone" plays a significant role in Latin American magical realism writing. By looking at these magical realistic novels of two Taiwanese local writers, the paper aims to rethink the issue of old people and conduct a cross-culture dialogue by means of the relevant Latin American novels and explore the localization of magical realism in Taiwan.


大衛‧洛吉(David Lodge)著,李維拉譯,《小說五十堂課》(台北:木馬文化,2006 年)。
王禎和,《老鼠捧茶請人客》(台北:遠流,2006 年)。
王禎和,《人生歌王》(台北:聯合文學,2005 年)。
封德屏主編,《台灣文學發展現象:五十年來台灣文學研討會論文集(二)》(台北:文建會,1996 年)。
