  • 期刊


Design and Develop an E-Exchange Platform Using XML Trade Hub Approach for Global Supply Chain Integration


由於網路與資訊科技的快速應用發展,整體企業系統日趨龐大複雜,又企業間彼此系統與訊息架構定義的不同,增加企業間交易電子化的困難度。因此本研究以產業供應鏈電子化交易為題,發展網際網路化企業間整合之電子交易平台架構及示範系統,使得公司間異質系統可以相互溝通,不再需要透過人為處理作業,直接以系統與系統間之電子訊息傳遞,縮短整個交易資訊處理流程與時間,並降低中小企業進入的門檻,讓整個產業的交易運作更加迅速進行。本平台架構包括三個模組,其為安全性訊息傳輸模組,規則式XSLT資料轉換模組,以及Hub工作流程模組。安全性訊息傳輸模組可使各廠商迅速透過網際網路傳輸資訊,經由呼叫規則式XSLT資料轉換模組在OAGIS、SPEC2000及相關ERP系統特定XML格式(如RosettaNet、DSC-XML)間準確地進行轉換。在此過程中以PL/SQL Procedure技術來開發工作流程的核心運作邏輯,用以建構系統化之彈性工作流程,使交易資料可在供應鏈體系中迅速合理的處理與交換,並達成產業供應鏈整合及企業間電子化之目標。


The applications of e-business (EB) and information technologies (IT) in business internal and external operations have intensified the competition of all industries. Enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges in global markets, especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often being EB and IT followers. Using Internet technology and global e-business approach to improve supply chain efficiency, to strength customer relationship and to ensure customer satisfaction is the only way for enterprises to success. This research objective is to design and develop the web-based hub platform to support XML-based transactional flows across multi-tier suppliers in heterogeneous data processing environment. The main modules of the XML Trade Hub include the network transport module, the rule-based transformation module and the hub workflow module. This paper defines the business scenario of the aerospace supply network and presents a B2B process integration solution (Hub). Hub enables inter-business collaboration as well as streamlines business operations for enterprises in the supply chain. Contrary to most prime-oriented trade hubs on the markets, this solution takes the suppliers' requirements into consideration by providing services such as multi-XML conversion, flexible workflow enablement, and secured transaction services. Thus, it enhances the willingness of supplier adoption, particularly for SMEs.


Workflow XML ERP XSLT Exchange Hub


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