  • 期刊


Value of Services - Utilizing Valued-based Adoption Model to Investigate Consumer's Intention to Subscribe Music Streaming Services


網路普及改變了消費者取得與聆聽音樂的方式,在串流音樂平台百家爭鳴之際,透過了解用戶需求以爭取更多用戶並提供有價值的服務已是相關業者的重要任務之一。基於價值接受模型(Value-based Adoption Model; VAM),本研究試圖找出影響用戶訂閱意願的因素。透過個人面、社會面、平台品質面、感知成本面等前置因素,本研究探討其如何影響感知利益及感知犧牲,進而影響感知價值。同時,本研究也探討感知價值和體驗黏著度如何影響消費者的訂閱意願。本研究採用網路問卷進行資料蒐集,共回收520份有效問卷。研究結果發現,感知價值是影響消費者訂閱意願的重要因素,而感知利益對感知價值的影響高於感知犧牲。本研究結果冀望能作為串流音樂平台業者發展訂閱經濟之參考。


The advancement of internet and streaming technologies have changed the way we listen to music. Thus, understanding what music consumers' needs becomes a top priority for music platform providers. Based on value-based adoption model (VAM), this study aims to explore the factors affecting users' subscription intentions for music streaming services. Through the antecedents such as personal, social, platform quality, and perceived cost, this study explores how they affect perceived benefits and perceived sacrifices, which in turn affect perceived value. By using online surveys, 520 individual responses were collected and quantitatively analyzed. The results provide the evidence of consumer's perceived value positively influencing their intentions to subscribe music streaming services. This research could provide valuable guidance to music streaming services.


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