  • 期刊


Housing Quality of Urban Aboriginal Households: The Case of Taipei City




In this study, we establish a method to measure the housing quality of aboriginal and non-aboriginal households in Taipei City. The empirical results show that the housing quality of aboriginal households is approximately 4~55% lower than that of non-aboriginal households in most districts, except the Xinyi and Daan Districts. The differences in housing quality between the two groups are smaller in districts with high housing prices. The housing quality difference in aboriginal households in 12 districts is approximately 17.32% higher than for non-aboriginal households. Furthermore, education and having a male household head are significantly positively associated, and the number of people in the house is significantly negatively associated with housing quality. However, the effects of the age of the household head and of marital status on housing quality are not significant, which is different from the case of non-aboriginal households.


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