  • 期刊


The Product Positioning Analysis of New Real Estate Development Projects: from the Perspectives of Primary Square Footage and Area Dispersion




Real estate developers promote new projects to increase profit and lower risks. An important consideration before marketing units for sale is whether the product positioning is appropriate. Studies have not often investigated the rewards and risks of product positioning from the perspectives of primary square footage and area dispersion. This study employs a multinomial logistic model to verify that the primary variables affecting developers' product positioning are location traits and project traits rather than the status of the economy or builder traits. Developments that cover large sites in suburbs and urban centers see higher returns during economic upturns and tend to adopt a "large square footage, single product, low dispersion" market segmentation strategy. However, when the market falls, this results in operational risks. This paper suggests that real estate developers should pay more attention to housing market changes - if the market seems suspect, city suburb or city center large-scale development projects should adopt a "medium square footage, medium-high-to-low dispersion" market segment strategy to mitigate operational risks.


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