  • 期刊


Housing Affordability of Taiwan's Households: A Long-term Perspective




Housing consumption occupies the largest proportion of household expenditure. The proportion of housing consumption to total household income or total expenditure is defined as housing affordability, which is the main indicator used to measure housing demand. This study employs data from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey for the period 1978 to 2018, compiled by DGBAS, to analyze housing demand behavior. In line with the Engel curve, total consumption expenditure is used as a proxy variable for household income to examine the extent to which household characteristics affect the expenditure on water and power as well as on housing services. The empirical results show that the distribution of consumption expenditure and household demographic factors are the main determinants of housing expenditure. Households with low consumption levels, a high dependent ratio, a female head, the absence of a spouse, and that are small in size are the disadvantaged groups that face greater pressure in relation to housing demand. They deserve more attention from related housing and social welfare policies.


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