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The Influence of High Housing Prices on Intergenerational Living Arrangements


近年來臺灣的房價所得比上漲超過一倍,從經濟學角度來看,Becker(1974)提出的「不肖子理論」(rotten kid theorem)可隱含當房價上漲時,父母親的財富增加應能提高他們與其子女交換時的資源,提高同住的可能性。據此,本研究結合地區房價資訊,利用「華人家庭動態資料庫」所提供的追蹤資料,檢視房價變動對兩代居住安排之影響。實證結果指出,房價上升確實提高已婚兒子延緩遷出的可能性,尤其是在都會區。至於其它影響代間居住選擇之因素,以已婚兒子的年齡、是否為獨子或長子、有學齡前子女、父或母一方喪偶以及住宅狀況,對同住之決策有重要之影響。


高房價 居住安排 跨代選擇


The ratio of the median house price to median annual household income has more than doubled over the last decade in Taiwan. Becker(1974)'s "rotten kid theorem" implies that higher housing prices will tend to increase the wealth of the parental generation and, as a consequence, enhance their bargaining power over living arrangements with their children. In this paper, the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) is combined with regional house price information to investigate the links between house prices and intergenerational co-residence. The empirical findings indicate that rising house prices do exert an influence on the choices of intergenerational co-residents. The results support the idea that housing prices have a positive impact on co-residence, particularly in urban areas. Other important factors that determine the choice of becoming or remaining a co-resident in a multi-generational household are the age of a married son, whether there are children under the age of six in the household, the death of a parent, and whether the house is owned by the parents.


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