  • 期刊

Perceptions and Opinions of New Respiratory Protection Program and Policies: Results of a Questionnaire Survey


Purpose: Article 277-1 of the Rules Governing Occupational Safety and Health Facilities (Article 277-1), amended on April 30, 2019 by the Ministry of Labor, states that when employees are required to use respirators, the employer shall assign a designated person to implement respiratory protective measures and establish a record. This amendment came into effect on January 1, 2020 and greatly impacts on businesses. Methods: A questionnaire was developed to survey workers' perceptions of the respiratory protection measures listed in Article 277-1 and their implementation. Results: Based on the results of the questionnaire that was completed by 430 workers, 70.5% are at risk of exposure to respiratory hazards in the workplace. Among them, 80.9% reported lack of regular respirator fitting tests. Regarding who should perform respirator fitting tests, 65.7% of respondents preferred commissioned certified third-party tester and 20.5% preferred first-party (users' company) tester. Only 13.8% of respondents believe that second-party (respirator supplier) tester is adequate. This lack of preference for second-party tester may be due to the potential for a conflict of interest. Moreover, 68.8% of respondents believe that testers should be able to produce a third-party testing certificate; 72.3% believe that fitting test items should be accredited; 88.1% believe that testing equipment should be annually calibrated, and 86.3% believe that the operator should have relevant training and certification. It is common practice to commission second-party suppliers to conduct fitting tests due to economic considerations, resulting in inconsistencies in the quality of test results. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, a classification system based on business size and promotion of measures to prevent and control respiratory hazards in high-risk industries are suggested. The labor rights of, and impact on, those who are unable to use respirators after medical evaluation, require further discussion. Moreover, it is recommended that government agencies formulate relevant guidelines or technical manuals for the implementation of respiratory protection measures to enable businesses to better understand and comply with regulatory standards. Finally, the amendment of Article 277-1 is timely as it came into effect at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
