  • 期刊


Weblog, Blogging and Blogshpere: Retrospection and New Trajectory


本文檢視綱誌此一晚近的綱路科技與其實踐的繁複樣態。相較於一般綱誌論述將焦點集中在新聞實踐的替代性上,本文回顧並勾勒仍處進行中的綱誌研究。循著Carolyn Miller與Dawn Shepherd (2004)的分類方式,本文首先設定綱誌活動中的重要議題與現象。次而切分、說明綱誌現象的理論詮釋與其線上實踐,以及兩者間辯證來回的構成。最後描繪一俯視的理論草圖,指出現有詮釋的機會與限制,並提出未來研究的新方向。


In this article, I will outline the practical and theoretical scope of the weblog, blogging and blogsphere. The weblog is the latest internet innovation in tandem with email and personal homepage. People who interact with their weblogs are known as bloggers. They do not only blog with their weblogs solely, but form thousands of communities within the cyberspace, which are now defined as the blogsphere. The weblog is firstly regarded as a personal publication system which challenges the existing media practice. And the most prominent weblog phenomenon might be that bloggers have successfully undermined the credibility of the mainstream press by their independent report of unexpected realities. However, with the fact that the weblog's population has sharply soared since its advent in 1997, the weblog has infiltrated diverse social domains. The weblog cannot be circumscribed to journalism entirely; rather, its influence has penetrated our ordinary life and has become part of our everyday experience. In this article, I will first set up the general agendas of weblog practice and introduce some distinctive weblog phenomena. Secondly, I will explain definitions of the weblog and blogging; then I will discuss the weblog's variety of utilizations and their theoretical implications following Carolyn Miller and Dawn Shepherd's (2004) categorization of weblogs. Finally, I will sketch an overall picture of the weblog research and discuss the possibility of a new research trajectory.


Weblog Blog Blogging Blogger Blogsphere


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Web users turn tables on Microsoft
Into the Blogosphere (online forum)
Rebecca`s Pocket
Blood, R.(2002).The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog.Cambridge, MA:Perseus.


楊舒嵐(2010)。憲法價值於私法關係之體現 ─以隱私權與表現自由之衝突與調和為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.10595
