  • 期刊


The Dynamic Analysis of Shock Absorption Using Drop Landing for Different Basketball Shoes


當人體由起跳至落地,在接觸地面時會產生地面反作用力,而這些作用力必須由人體來吸收掉。因此,當地面反作用力大於人體所能承受的範圍,易對於人體造成傷害,最常見的就是膝關節、踝關節和脛骨的傷害。因此一雙合適的籃球鞋,除了具有保護足部和減少下肢疲勞的功能外,最重要的是還必須具有吸震(shock absorption)的效果。 本實驗的目的是想瞭解體育系的籃球選手在穿上不同廠牌的籃球鞋,隨著高度的增加,落下時籃球鞋吸震的性能為何。其中以腳跟著地產生的最大垂直地面反作用力來分析其間的差異。 本研究以常用籃球鞋三雙,分別為NIKE、ADIDAS及AND 1作為研究對象。分別以未穿鞋與穿三種不同籃球鞋從四十、七十和一百公分高度降落著地於測力板上十次,每次測力板擷取地面反作用力樣本四秒,每秒取樣率1041赫玆。 本實驗結果發現,穿籃球鞋從七十公分高度落地時,其吸震能力為8.04%~13.31%,以AND 1籃球鞋吸收13.31%為最高。另外,從一百公分高度落地時,穿籃球鞋比未穿鞋減少7.63%~12.70%的垂直衝量,以ADIDAS籃球鞋的12.70%為最高,而在四十公分高度落地時沒有明顯的差異。


生物力學 運動鞋 吸震 衝量


When people drop on the ground from a jump will produce ground reaction force. It is absorbed by the human body. So the greater level of ground reaction force is produced by a higher jump, damage to the lower extremities maybe occur. The knees, ankles and tibias are the most common sites of these damage. The suitability of basketball shoes is dependant upon their capability to protect the feet and to reduce fatigue of the lower extremity. The shoes must provide effective shock absorption to achieve these goals. The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate [the shock absorption capability of various brands of basketball shoes, especially at the heel, when a physical education major who is basketball player, experiences a drop landing from different heights. This study was conducted to composition NIKE、ADIDAS and AND 1 Basketball shoes. We let our subject to wear three kinds of basketball shoes and drop landing to the force plate ten times from the different heights (40、70 and 100cm). The subject fell on the force plate repeatedly. Therefore, we could get ground reaction force each time. The force of each sample measured four seconds. The measurement of each second is acquired by 1041 Hz sampling rate. The result of this experiment indicated that the capabilities of Shock absorption were 8.04%~13.31% when the subject puts on basketball shoes. To drop landing from 70 centimeter height. AND 1 basketball shoes absorbed the highest shock of 13.31%. In addition, in vertical impulse putting on basketball shoes absorbed 7.63%~12.70% less than barefoot from 100 centimeter height of drop landing. ADIDAS basketball shoes absorbed 12.70% which was the most. But putting on basketball shoes and barefoot were the same in absorbing shock from 40 centimeter height of drop landing.


Biomechanics Sport shoes Shock absorption Impulse


