  • 期刊


The Study of Ideal Tasks for Mandated Parenting Program in Child Protection Service


兒童少年保護工作中依法執行的「強制性親職教育輔導」,對社會工作專業而言,絕非能以消極性處罰式的教育課程為滿足,更需積極的透過強制性教育與輔導的手段促成當事人改變親職行為甚至生態環境。然而在其問扮演最關鍵性角色的社工員,如何在各地區有限的資源之下,轉換權力糾葛的關係,而達到並未明確界定的理念任務?本研究是透過一連串的認識與詮釋的過程而欲達到如下的研究目的: 1.從不同地區工作者與專家的訪談與對話中,歸納出強制性親職教育輔導工作的理念任務。 2.依據專家建構出的理念任務理解台灣各地區執行「強制性親職教育輔導」處遇的狀態。 3.提出突破目前「強制性親職教育輔導」的困境,增加兒童少年保護工作的社工專業效能,以做為發展因地制宜的在地性「強制性親職教育輔導」工作方法的基礎。 研究結果歸納出:規範性、次級預防性、福利性與增權性四項「強制性親職教育輔導」的理念任務,並以此四項理念任務瞭解各地區執行的狀態,而進一步提出:1面對「非自原性關係」的困難應以「規範性任務」為起點,2皆應以次級預防性任務為依歸,3社工應要求諮商工作者分擔次級預防性任務,4面對結構性因素時應以福利性任務為重,5不只當事人要增權,社工也需要增權等五種議題做為結論。


From the Hermeneutic point of view, this study is to understand the ideal model of M. P. P. (Mandated Parenting Program) in Taiwan. The study goals are as following: 1. through the dialogs between experts, deduct the ideal task of M. P. P. 2. Based on the ideal task being deducted, the situations of field works in M. P. P. are understood and discussed in this study. 3. The suggestions will be proposed in order to promote the effectiveness of M. P. P. As the result of study, four major ideal tasks are presented: Normality task, Secondary prevention task, Welfare task and Empowerment task. In the conclusion of study, there are five issues being discussed: 1. Normality task will be the starter during the involuntary relationship stage. 2. Secondary prevention tasks will be most important task in the M. P. P. 3. Welfare tasks will be much needed for the parents from poor families. 4. Case managers in social work agencies should ask counselor involve in Secondary prevention task aggressively. 5. Empowerment task are not only needed by clients but also by workers.


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