  • 期刊


Positive Youth Development Model: Promoting mutual relationship between youth and community in social work practice


〈兒童及少年福利與權益保障法〉旨在推動促進兒少年權益與發展為主的兒童少年福利服務,但國內許多現行制度仍以問題解決為主,本文旨在引介正向少年發展模式(positive youth development, PYD),提供我國少年福利轉型之理論架構與實務操作的指引。首先,介紹正向少年發展模式之發展脈絡與理論基礎─發展性系統理論(developmental system theory, DST),強調人類發展乃個體與多層環境彼此互動的過程,視少年成長歷程中的變動為其與生俱來的優勢。正向少年發展模式主張少年正向發展來自個體與多重環境之間的互惠,此模式進一步假設少年邁向正向發展之際不僅問題行為會降低,回饋社會的行為也會增加。其次,統整實證研究對PYD理論模型與假設的檢視,幫助少年工作專業人員更具體瞭解少年個人優勢與生態資產之間的互動關係,以及此互動關係如何影響少年發展。再者,以PYD模式為架構,分析台灣少年工作所面臨的四大困境:1.服務價值:偏重問題解決而非能力發展;2.服務內容:社區中缺乏以少年發展需求為主之服務;3.研究:少有實證研究統整並比較各機構少年方案的運作模式和成效;4.文化價值:華人文化中少年消權的傾向。最後,運用正向少年發展模式主要內涵針對上述困境提出實務與研究之建議。


Taiwan government renewed the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act in 2011 to ensure youth development rather than problem solving; however, gaps between the law and direct practice on youth social services remain. This study aims to introduce a positive youth development (PYD) model and provide a theoretical framework for a paradigm shift in youth social services. First, the PYD model is based on developmental system theory (DST), arguing that human development involves continuous interactions between individuals and contexts; thus, the intrapersonal and interpersonal changes during adolescence should be considered as a fundamental strength rather than risk. PYD model hypothesizes that mutually beneficial interactions between youth and contexts will not only result in fewer risk behaviors but more youth contribution to the society. Second, empirical studies were reviewed to examine the above hypothetical relationship and to provide evidence for professionals working with youth to apply the PYD model to their practice. Then, youth social services in Taiwan were reviewed under a PYD lens; four obstacles in implementing development-based services were identified: 1. Values: the current services and programs over-emphasize problem solving rather than capability building; 2. Services: the majority of the existing community programs fail to address youth developmental needs; 3. Research: limited empirical research examining and comparing the process and outcomes across various youth programs. 4. Issues of youth disempowerment in Chinese culture. Recommendations in applying PYD model to improve youth services in Taiwan are discussed.


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