  • 期刊


An Analysis of Where Married Immigrants Locate in Keelung: The Application of GIS


依2008年12月內政部統計資料得知,全台灣地區大陸及外籍配偶的人數爲413,421人,而這些因婚姻關係移民至台灣的人口到底都居住在哪裡?這些婚姻移民的空間分布與聚集的情形爲何?了解這些婚姻移民的空間分布實有助於福利服務資源的配置與輸送。本文以基隆市大陸和外籍配偶爲主要的分析對象,運用地理資訊系統(GIS)爲分析方法,針對基隆市婚姻移民進行地理空間聚集和分布情形的分析。首先,希冀了解基隆市大陸及外籍配偶人口的空間分布情形;進而,探析當前服務據點與需求潛在人口群的關聯,以思考服務資源輸送的可近性;最後,針對大陸及外籍配偶群聚之區域,探析集中在某些特定區域的生活空間樣貌。 因此,本研究透過區位分析掌握基隆市大陸及外籍配偶人口的分布,優勢在於:首先,建立基隆市大陸及外籍配偶的資料庫,以做爲服務的參酌;第二,透過區位與人口分布情形,以掌握大陸及外籍配偶生活區域與動態;第三,透過GIS的套疊系統,可以瞭解目前大陸及外籍配偶在各行政區及各行政里的分布比例與集中情形,以作爲建構服務策略之參酌。最後,透過大陸及外籍配偶空間分布與資源配置的關連性進行比對,以作爲未來服務資源再配置的考量。


As of December 2008, Taiwan had 413,421 married immigrants from mainland China and other countries. The authors ask an important question: Exactly where do these married immigrants locate in Taiwan? Answering this question will help us find out the extent to which services are provided to people in need. The authors used the GIS to find out exactly where such immigrants live in the Taiwanese city of Keelung. The first goal of the study was to understand the problem these married immigrants faced in determining where they would live; the second goal was to learn the extent to which the foreign spouses used immigration services to ascertain the accessibility of relevant services. To explore why these immigrants aggregated in a specific area, the author went into the field to collect social data by interviewing people. The database that resulted from these efforts should help the authorities in Keelung redesign the services they provide to this segment of their population. Moreover, the GIS can help service providers find out how these married immigrants are distributed in the district. Finally, the findings may help social workers redesign their own service delivery systems and rethink the methods of data analysis they use in practice.


married immigration foreign spouse GIS Keelung


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