  • 期刊


Religious Artifacts Preserved in Macao Temples:Focusing on the Forms and Category




澳門 寺廟 傳世文物 佛山 產銷


As far as production and marketing is concerned, early Chinese religious artifacts were exported to Southeast Asia where Macao is one of the most important importers. This business fact gives Macao a strategic significance in this research. Macao, a city economically well known for being dependent on its gambling, however, has been ignored by the academic circle for their rich Chinese temple artifacts preserved in this place. Geographically speaking, as close to Guangzhou and Foshan, Macao was regarded as an important place to preserve the typical temple artifacts of Yue culture. Besides, from whichever point of view, concerning the local religious ritual customs or temple artifacts culture in terms of arrangement, shape, structure and function, most of these early artifacts are still preserved intact as in the early times. To explore those many factors as mentioned above in more depth can benefit us. According to the statistics, Macao has a narrow territory of 20 square kilometers currently but has preserved nearly 40 temples with more than 100 year of history. This shows that temples became an indispensable spiritual part in Macao people's living. Except for a few temples established in Ming dynasty, the rest temples were built in Qing dynasty and these temples preserved intact the entire early artifacts. By analyzing the issues of shape, structure and function, we found that the artifacts in Macao temples represent different styles and production-marketing conditions compared to those in Taiwan, a fact which also reflects the differences in respective religion system. To study the sources of artifacts preserved in Macao and Taiwan also complements our findings on religious artifacts culture of overseas Southeast Asian Chinese.


Macao temple religious artifact Foshan production-marketing


Luis Filipe Barreto & Wu Zhiliang, Macau: Past and Presen 澳門今昔,(澳門:澳門基金會、澳門科學文化出版社,2015 年)。
Ptak, Roderich(普塔克),趙殿紅、蔡潔華譯,《普塔克澳門史與海洋史論集》(廣州:廣東人民出版社,2018 年)。
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