  • 期刊


The Transformation of Tribe-centric Worldview: Observations of Names of Place at Da-li-li Paiwan Area


排灣地名,除了反映排灣對自然環境的識覺經驗,也是宣告其攻克蠻荒異域,人文化成所屬領域的印記。通過地名文本的刻寫,既揭櫫排灣以「創生地、拓殖地與分株地」爲概念架構的部落開拓史觀,也再現排灣部落中心主義意識裡,部落內「安全、溫馨、聖潔」部落外「危險、森冷、邪穢」的二分形式世界觀。尤其,透過地名,即證成部落開基祖的主體能動性,能爲族裔認同的典範,進而傲然卓立的體現「傳奇主英雄」的終級關懷。 然而,與大力里舊部落地名比較,森永地名的五味雜陳著實反映了殖民統治者,百年來在「人/番」不對等的霸權宰制下,對排灣「去部落神聖中心」轉而俗化、皇民化、平地化等等一貫同化改造工程之後,排灣處境的「邊緣化」與「過客化」。此也意味著傳統「向山意識」的世界史觀,已然蛻變,爲全球化的現代「向洋意識」所取代。 惟要刻意關注的是,從來生活艱困遂生的「生之意慾」,其中焦躁與無所適從之「異化」窘境約克服,在祖靈信仰與基督教整合轉化之後,更待族裔自覺性的深刻體認:唯有深植祖傳聖地,維繋祖上從來「不受外人支配,也不向任何勢力屈服,是完全獨立自主的」,這樣一個排灣之所以是排灣的自治精神憑藉。然後,從傳統部落世界史觀出發,批判性的創造轉化種種加諸己身的外在力量,才是排灣族裔安身立命與自爲奮進的生命泉源所在。


The meaning of Paiwan tribe place names not only reflect the tribe's awareness of its environment but also provide a historical record of past efforts to open up new historical as well as human-cultural dimensions. Through place names, we can see the Paiwan's view of tribal development based on a conceptual framework of ”origin, expansion colonization, and extension”. We can also see a dualistic Paiwanic worldview where the area within the tribe is ”secure, warm, holy and clean”, whereas the area outside the tribe is ”dangerous, cold, evil and dirty”. More importantly, place names indicate the importance of ancestors within the tribe. Descendants should emulate their forefathers and live up to the ultimate ideal of being legendary heroes. Compared with Da-Li-Li (of the old Paiwanic place name, 森永(Sen-Yung), the name given to the new place to which the Paiwan were moved) embodies the colonizers' mindset. Those colonizers tried to detach the Paiwan from their tribal-spiritual centrism by secularization, Japanization and other means of assimilation. Today's Paiwan are marginalized indeed. This all means that the traditional aspiration of ”moving toward the mountains” has been replaced by the new aspiration of ”moving toward the ocean” What should concern us most is how to live a decent and respectable life struggles with alienation, anxiety and hardship. Living under the influence of ancestral spirit worship and Christianity, the Paiwan should rejuvenate their belief in ancestral spirit land and strive for independence from outside dominance; this will be the basis for autonomous tribal existence. In other words, the Paiwan should critically examine and creatively transform outside forces acting upon them. Only then will the Paiwan discover new ways of leading a modern life.
