  • 期刊


The Efects of Acute Hypoxia and Cigarette Smoking on Psychomotor Performance


處於15,000呎以上的高度,人體對缺氧的生理代償效果將受到限制,若超過此一高度,心智的損害將逐漸發展。在另一方面,香菸燃燒時產生的一氧化碳,亦會產生若干程度的貧血性缺氧。 本研究之目的為比較在三種不同的缺氧情況下,吸菸對心理動作的影響,總計有100人參與實驗,其中吸菸者與不吸菸者各半,分別接受18,000呎(N=44)、25,000呎(N=32)和30,000呎(N=24)的低壓艙艙航。吸菸者進艙前10分鐘允許吸菸一次,並測量其血中碳醯血紅素(HbCO%)的濃度。俟上升至特定的艙航高度,令受試者卸除氧氣面罩開始在亂數表上圈選3的倍數之數字,以迄測驗時間終了。該項心理動作測驗的分數為圈選的正確率,並在地面的同一時限內先做一次,作為對照組的資料。在整個缺氧暴露的過程,受試者的血氧飽和度SaO2%和心跳率皆監測之。 本研究之結果顯示三種不同高度的缺氧皆影響吸菸者的測驗分數,在18,000呎和25,000呎均較不吸菸為高,但在30,000呎則不可見;大多數的受試者的HbCO%與其SaO2%呈負相關。本研究的結果顯示菸鹼可能在較低的高度能增進受試者的警醒和注意力,以致改善其心理動作的表現;然而,在較高的高度,一氧化碳和缺氧對心理動作的影響則有協同作用。


Introduction: . The effectiveness of physical compensation hypoxia is known to be limited above 15,000 feet. Beyond this altitude intellectual impainnent will develop progressively. On the other hand, carbon monoxide (CD) produced in cigarette smoking presents some degrees of hypemic hypoxia The purpose f this study is to compare the effects of cigarette smoking on mental task at three selected altitude. Methods: One hundred male volunteers (50 smokers, 50 nonsmokers) participated this hypoxic experiment at 18,000 feet (N=44), 25,000 feet (N=32), and 30,000 feet (N=24) respectively. The tidal breath CO was measured and expressed as HbCO % preγiously. The smokers were allowed to have one cigarette 10 minutes before hypobaric chamber flight. After ascending to the specific altitude, they removed the oxygen mask and started to circle the number (3 and its multiples) printed on a random number list for a predetennined time period. The score was expressed as the correct percent oftask (correct circles/total circles). This mental task was also conducted on ground as control. The blood oxygen saturation (SaO2%) and heart rate were monitored throughout the hypoxic exposure. Results. The scores of perfonning at high altitude were evenly lower than those at sea level. In habitual smokers, the score was observed higher at both 18,000 feet and 25,000 feet than those of nonsmokers. But this unpredictable result was not seen at 30,000 feet. Mostly, the HbCO% of subjects was negatively correlated to their SaO2%. Conclusions. The phannacological effect of nicotine may enhance the cοncentration or alertness of subjects and thence improve their psychological perfonnance at lower altitude. However, the synergism of carbon monoxide and hypoxia do produce an overwhelming risk to mental activity at higher altitude.
