  • 期刊


Preliminary study on the successful aging on sleep/fatigue in the aged civil aviators


隨著人類壽命的延長和健康促進,諸多因素讓人延長工作的年資,延後退休。2012年8月8日美國FAA公告了公平對待有經驗機師的條款,將機師退休年齡修訂為65歲。這種高齡的機師趨勢是否會衝擊飛安的考量?此正是本研究的初始動機。中高年齡(40歲及以上)的機師們的睡眠/疲勞和工作表現是否受年齡的影響?抑或民航機師的專業特性讓機師重視且保有成功老化的特性?Baltes和Baltes(1990)曾提出選擇最佳化補償模式(selection, optimization, compensation model, SOC),主張個體在面對老化的過程中,若能從可用的選項中選擇而達到最佳化的結果,並能補償個體因老化而出現的心理失落或能力折損,即具備較佳的復原力。本研究邀請759位40歲以上的民航機師參與回答本研究設計的問卷,包括睡眠品質、SOC和工作表現三量表。所得資料皆經IBM SPSS 24.0版進行統計分析。研究結果顯示:不同年齡組的中高年齡民航機師在成功老化的SOC得分未達統計上的差異水準。再者,SOC模式3因素與睡眠品質4因素及工作表現3因素間呈顯著的相關性。本研究反映出目前國內的中高年齡民航機師具有良好的成功老化之特性。但依據研究的結果仍建議善用SOC模式及睡眠習慣的提升,來增進中高齡民航機師之身心健康和飛航工作之表現。


Baltes and Baltes (1980, 1990) proposed the selection, optimization, and compensation, SOC model to assess the degree of a person's successful aging. It provides us a good way and a chance to assess the aged civil pilots' successful aging. The relationships among the successful aging of SOC scores, sleeping qualities, and flight job performance are also examined in this study. A total of 759 airline pilots aged 40 to 63 participated in this study. Most of them (88.4%) are Taiwanese. The questionnaire consisting of 40 forced-choice items was used in this study. One-way ANOVAs showed that there are no significant differences among 5 groups of aged civil pilots on their scores of SOC model. However, there are significant differences on their scores of sleeping qualities scare for "feel tired after sleep" in the 5 groups of aged civil pilots. The results of the correlations among the 3 factors of SOC model, 5 factors of sleeping qualities, and 3 factors of flight job performance are all highly significant (Ps<.001). The current results have shown that the aged civil pilots are aging well in Taiwan. However, it is still useful to provide the SOC model training for civil pilots to enhance their successful aging based on the current study.
