  • 期刊


Analysis of China Medical University School of Post-Baccalaureate Chinese Medicine Admission Examination




School of Post-baccalaureate Chinese Medicine (SPBCM) of China Medical University has been established for 37 years since 1984. Over the years, students from clinical medicine background have shown the highest proportion during intake. This study explores possible reasons through the analysis of academic background and exam results of candidates, as well as the admission examination question trends. This study reveals that highest proportion of candidates are from biomedical background, while candidates from clinical medical background achieved best results in 25th to 31st admission examinations. The question trends for biology and chemistry are similar to emphasis of textbooks for medical and biomedical undergraduate courses. Students from clinical medicine background have earned biology or chemistry-related credits in colleges and are expected to achieve outstanding results during the admission examinations. SPBCM aims to cultivate up-to-date TCM physicians by recruiting graduate students from various disciplines in hopes of integrating knowledge from different fields and promoting development of Chinese medicine. With this educational goal in mind, we propose a method of dividing candidates into groups based on educational background in the admission examination. The examination subjects should be designed to explore multi-faceted student talents by reducing reliance on traditional memorization type questions and increasing proportions of logical analytical thinking, both deductive and inductive questions. In order to promote the innovative and diversified development of modern Chinese medicine, SPBCM is expected to recruit outstanding students from various fields.


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中國醫藥大學:學士後中醫學系簡介,http://spbcm.cmu.edu.tw/web/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=51&Itemid=175&lang=tw。( 2021.3.17查詢)
