  • 期刊


The Concept of Holy Jerusalem, the Relations between Christianity and Islam through the Movement of Crusades


本文旨在探討耶路撒冷於基督宗教與伊斯蘭中的角色,論述中世紀十字軍時期,雙方之宗教理念、行動與互動。首先,由作為雙方共同起源的亞伯拉罕宗教,探討耶路撒冷神聖性的起源。其次,分別分析在基督宗教與伊斯蘭中,其所承續、發展的宗教理念,進而聚焦於十字軍東征(the Crusades movements)的形成、過程,並指出「聖戰」(Holy War)、「Jihad」(奮鬥)等相似概念如何被挪用,再次強化耶路撒冷的神聖性。此外,本文也由天上信仰與地上現世兩個層面探討耶路撒冷之宗教本質,進而指出在基督宗教與伊斯蘭中,「聖城」(Holy City)概念其實承載不同的面向。最終,本文將呈現耶路撒冷神聖性之複雜因素,並指出藉由歷史性的追溯,得以深入理解、比較兩信仰之宗教理念。


This article tries to explore the holy images of Jerusalem Latin Christendom and Islamic world. This study traces back to the Crusades movements in the medieval period, and discusses the religious ideologies, actions, and interactions of both faiths. The discussions start from the Abraham religion, which is the origin of the sacredness of Jerusalem and the common origin of both religions. Then it analyzes religious concepts that are inherited and developed in Latin Christendom and the Islamic world. Further, the study focuses on the formation and process of the Crusades, and points out how similar concepts such as Holy War and Jihad could be appropriated, and how this process strengthens the sanctification of Jerusalem again. In addition, this study explores perspectives of heaven-faith and earth-world about Jerusalem respectively; then, it points out that, in fact, the concept of "Holy City" carries different perspective and meanings in Latin Christendom and the Islamic world. Finally, this article presents the complex factors of the sacredness of Jerusalem and indicates that it is necessary to understand and compare the religious concepts of both faiths through historical retrospection.


Jerusalem Christianity Islam Crusades Jihad(奮鬥)


卡蘿.希爾布蘭登(Carole Hillenbrand)著,高慧玲譯(2017),《十字軍 :伊斯蘭的觀點》(The Crusades: Islamic Perspectives),新北:廣場出版。
馬歇爾.哈濟生(Marshall G. S. Hodgson)著,張人弘等譯(2015),《伊斯蘭文明:伊斯蘭的古典時期(上卷)》(The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization),第一冊,新北:臺灣商務。
馬歇爾.哈濟生(Marshall G. S. Hodgson)著,李建弘、邱太乙、羅心彤、馬慧妍譯(2015),《伊斯蘭文明:伊斯蘭的古典時期(上卷)》(The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization),第二冊,新北:臺灣商務。
