  • 期刊


A Study of Musical Role in the Worship of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan




禮拜 奧祕性 宗教經驗 音樂經驗


After Reformation, Protestant Christianity conducted the worship reformation. Calvin advocated sacrament and sermon should be parallel. He interpreted the meaning of sacrament with the presence of Holy Spirit. He tried to find balance of expressing God's mystery and human reason. Because of Holy Spirit, we can recognize that Jesus is with us. The power of Holy Spirit is expressed not only in the Sacrament, but also in all ministries of church. Because of context, the Presbyterian Church worship is centered in sermon. The church worship is more rational character, but worship music is very rich. Music has the function of harmony, purification and healing; besides, it expresses human emotions and education. It can say something that cannot be expressed clearly in words. In religion, human emotions need to be expressed timely, and the mystery of the encounter between irrational God and human cannot be ignored. If we want to express the religious mystery and human emotions in worship, music is a suitable method. The role of music in Presbyterian Church in Taiwan is to present the belief of the Words of God, the mystery of irrational God, and support of human emotions. Through music, worship is no longer a boring ritual to fulfil Christian obligation.


巴特(Karl Barth)、漢斯昆(Hans Kung)著,朱雁冰、李承言譯(1996),《莫扎特的自由與超驗的踪跡》(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1956 und Mozart- Spuren der Transzendenz),香港:漢語基督教文化研究所。
加爾文(John Calvin)著,加爾文基督教要義翻譯小組譯(2011),《基督教要義》(The Institutes of the Christian Religion)上、下冊,台北:加爾文出版社。
韋伯(Robert Webber)著,何李穎芬譯(2000),《崇拜:認古識今》(Worship Old and New),香港:宣道。
威廉.詹姆斯(William James)著,蔡怡佳、劉宏信譯(2001),《宗教經驗之種種》(The Varieties of Religious Experience),台北:立緒。
