  • 期刊


Xiao Hong's "On Late Style" novels during Hong Kong Period


一般咸認,蕭紅(1911-1942)創作界分前後兩期,其書寫成就與短促的生命歷程密不可分,蕭紅青年展開流亡,屢曆絕境,死亡與不安如影隨形,無論親情、愛情在在指向了人生不斷失去,巴特勒(Judith Butler)《脆弱不安的生命─哀悼與暴力的力量》辨證死亡、失去、哀悼的關係,提出死亡、失去創傷,可透過哀悼才能完成論點,證諸蕭紅每每不安,好發預知死亡紀事之言,皆因人生/寫作的死亡事件,及至一九四○年一月蕭紅抵港,太平洋戰火、疾病夾擊的死亡威脅,如預知時日無多,蕭紅拼盡氣力以驚人的速度交出〈後花園〉、《呼蘭河傳》、《馬伯樂》、〈小城三月〉小說極品後,在一九四二年一月二十二日驟然離世。綜理上述小說文風和諧圓足,與之前作品控訴本質有異,符合薩依德「晚期風格」內含,再者薩依德詮釋「晚期」非指「晚年」,劍指藝術家生涯晚、末期,因此後期中有晚期,雙雙定義了蕭紅香港時期小說的「晚期風格」。探究蕭紅香港時期小說的晚期風格,本文有意由蕭紅前期作品切入,解析貫穿前後期作品的死亡、創傷、失去命題與哀悼之間的(未)完成,這些命題如何一步步透過書寫回過頭來區隔了前後期,成就晚期不凡風格。


蕭紅 晚期風格 香港時期 哀悼


Xiao Hong's writing can generally be divided into two periods. As is known to most researchers, her writing achievements and life course are inseparable. It is because Xiao experienced exile from a young age, yet, death and restlessness are associated with her. Besides, her kinship and affection tell her that life is losing. In the meantime, in Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence, Judith Butler discussed the relation between death, loss, and mourning, Butler proposed that death can only be accomplished after mourning is over. At that time, Xiao was restless about her life course and writing. From her arrival in Hong Kong in January 1940 to her death on January 22, 1942 (after the pacific war and disease attacks), she wrote some best novels rapidly such as A Life of River Hulan, Ma Bole, The Backyard, and Town in March. Based on the analysis, Xiao's novel is more harmonious than the previous style, it complies with Edward Said's "On Late Style". Moreover, Said claims that "On Late" differs with "Old-Age", he refers to the artists on late-career, so "on late" refers to the "late stage", therefore Xiao's "On Late Style" novels are the ones written during her Hong Kong Period. To explore Xiao's "On Late Style" novels, this essay intends to start from Xiao's early works, and analyze the (in) completed between the death, trauma, loss proposition, and mourning throughout the previous and later works. These propositions distinguish the former and the later through writing and turning back step by step, and achieve the extraordinary style of on late period.


Xiao Hong On Late Style Hong Kong Period Mourning


西格蒙德∙佛洛伊德著,馬元龍譯,〈哀悼與憂鬱症〉,汪民安、郭曉彥主編,《生產‧第八輯:憂鬱與哀悼》,南京,江蘇人民出版社,2012 年3 月。
