  • 期刊


Transformation and Differentiation: The Theoretical Implications Concerning the Quarrels between the Ancients and Moderns




徐復觀 杜國清 摩羅詩力 魔怪書寫 反諷


This article aims to explore the theoretical implications concerning the "Quarrels between the Ancients and Moderns" in terms of the literary evolution from Lu Hsun's proposition of "Maraic" poetic force/act to that of Liu Cheng-chung's "demonic poetry". In view of the historical development in the formation of modern Chinese bai-hua poetry and contemporary Taiwanese han-shih, though each emerged against its own social and intellectual background, they both recorded the shifts and displacements of sensibilities that occurred during their own milieu, and hence within different ethos. In Lu Hsun's case, when facing the decaying cultural and moral order of his age, the call for the "Maraic poetic force", as a defiant assertion, meant to recommend a defiance and resistance to all accepted organs of literary and cultural intercommunication. By comparison, the demonic manner of poetic writing emerged and evolved in contemporary Taiwan's literary scene had taken a different tour. During the period of the Sixties and Seventies in the Twentieth Century Taiwan, most writers as well as public readers sought after European and Japanese literary and philosophical writings for their fresh ideas and inspiration. I therefore propose to examine the influence that might contribute to the formation of sensibilities which in turn made contemporary Taiwanese han poetry possible. This article then draws two cases under examination, that is, Hsu Fu-kuan's translation in 1956 of Sakutaro Hagiwara (1886-1942)'s The Principle of Poetry (1928) and Tu Kuo-ching's translation in1969 of Nishiwaki Junzaburo (1894-1982)'s Poetics (1968), which might have exerted their influence upon the reception and production of specific literary texts in contemporary Taiwan. My point is that whereas Hsu Fu-kuan's translation focuses on the analytical thinking and method concerning poetic concept, Tu Kuo-ching's translation emphasizes the modernist poetic theories developed since Baudelaire. The introduction and reception of these two translations witnessed the transformation of modern Chinese bai-hua poetry into contemporary Taiwanese han-shih.


Lu Hsun Hsu Fu-kuan Tu Kuo-ching Maraic Force Demonic Poetry Irony


西脇順三郎著,杜國清譯,《詩學》,臺北,田園出版社,1969 年。
周振甫注,《文心雕龍注釋•附今譯》,臺北,里仁書局,1984 年。
黃霖,《中國文學批評通史(柒):近代卷》,上海,上海古籍出版社,1993 年。
萩原朔太郎著,徐復觀譯,《詩的原理》,臺中,中央書局,1956 年(學生書局修訂版,1991 年)。
劉正忠,《現代漢詩的魔怪書寫》,臺北,臺灣學生書局,2010 年。
