  • 期刊


Dynamic Reality: The Ghostly Writing in Lee Wai-yi's Fiction


李維怡(1975-)是少數具明顯左翼立場,並以現實主義小說為基本創作形式的香港七十後小說作者。她一直嘗試以寫作介入現實,在展現香港基層市民、新移民及知識分子的生活面貌和想法之餘,更著重在各種現實限制中思考行動的可能。在2009年出版《行路難》之後,李維怡的小說開始出現變化,它們雖仍保留著批判香港社會現實問題的傾向,但部份卻開始遊走於現實與幽冥,通過各種疑幻似真的靈異元素,勾勒出一個人鬼相雜的世界。她小說中的鬼魅雖已死去,但它們作為「現實」中的一員,卻依然能動地影響著事件的走向和發展。針對李維怡近年的轉向,本文選取李維怡少受關注的鬼魅書寫作為切入點,藉此探究李維怡的小說觀念和倫理世界。本文通過引入裴開瑞(Chris Berry)的「著魔的寫實主義」(Haunted realism)概念,分析李維怡鬼魅書寫的獨特性,同時結合盧卡契(Georg Lukács)的現實主義文論,考察李維怡鬼魅書寫和文學觀念所體現的現實意義和左翼思考,從而了解後九七香港小說介入本土社會的另一種方法。


Among the Hong Kong post-70s fiction writers, Lee Wai-yi (1975-) is one of the few who has a clear and distinct left-wing political position and engages mainly in the creation of realistic fiction. She often responds to the reality through writing and depicts the life and thoughts of Hong Kong's grassroots, new immigrants, and intellectuals in her works. In the meantime, how to break through the limitations of reality has always been her focal point. Lee's fiction began to change after the publication of Hard is the Road in 2009. Although her later stories still tend to criticize the Hong Kong social reality, some of them begin to wander between the reality and the underworld. By using various mysterious elements, she creates an outline of an exclusive ghostly world. The ghost characters in her stories are dead, however, they can still exist as members of the "real world" and actively influence the development of the plot. In view of Lee's writing turn in recent years, this paper explores her concept of fiction and the ethical world through studying her neglected ghost stories. To begin with, the uniqueness of Lee's ghostly writing will be analyzed by associating her works with Chris Berry's concept of "haunted realism". With reference to Georg Lukács' literary theory of realism, the implication and left-wing thinking embodied in Lee's ghostly writing and literary ideas will then be examined. All of these will lead to an understanding of the alternative way for the post-97 Hong Kong fiction to involve in the local society.


加洛蒂(Roger Garaudy)著,吳岳添譯,《論無邊的現實主義》,天津,百花文藝出版社,1998。
安敏成(Marston Anderson)著,姜濤譯,《現實主義的限制:革命時代的中國小說》(The Limits of Realism: Chinese Fiction in the Revolutionary Period),南京,江蘇人民出版社,2001。
