  • 期刊


The Correlation between Motivation of Smartphone Use and Interpersonal Relationships among Middle-Aged and Older Adults Populations


本研究旨在探討中高齡者「智慧型手機使用動機」與「人際關係」之相關性。本研究採問卷調查法,以便利抽樣方式選取大臺北地區(臺北市、新北市)年滿50歲以上使用智慧型手機之中高齡者為調查對象,問卷發放600份,回收590份,回收率為98.3%,有效問卷584份。研究工具包含三部分,1)個人背景變項(共11題)、2)智慧型手機使用動機量表(共23題)及3)人際關係量表(共19題),合計共53題。有效問卷續以SPSS 20.0進行描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等進行統計分析。研究結果如下。一、受試者之「個人背景變項」中「年齡」(p <. 001)、「健康狀況」(p <. 05)、「智慧型手機購入方式」(p <. 01)、「智慧型手機上網時數」(p <. 001)及「智慧型手機總花費金額」(p <. 001)和整體「智慧型手機使用動機」有顯著差異。二、受試者之「個人背景變項」中「年齡」(p <. 001)、「經濟狀況」(p <. 05)、「健康狀況」(p <. 01)、「智慧型手機上網時數」(p <. 001)及「智慧型手機總花費金額」(p <. 001)和整體「人際關係」有顯著差異。三、受試者整體「智慧型手機使用動機」與整體「人際關係」達顯著之中度正相關(r=.55, p <. 01)。最後,研究者整合本研究結果,提供相關建議給中高齡者及研究者做未來研究之參考。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships among personal background variables, motivations to smartphone use, and interpersonal relationships among middle-aged and older adults. The study adapted survey method and used convenience sampling procedure to recruit middle-aged and older adult participants aged 50 and above who have been used smartphones from the greater Taipei area. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed, and 590 responses were collected. The response rate was 98.3%, and 584 questionnaires were valid. The questionnaire contained, 1) personal background information (6 items) and smartphone consumption status (5 items); 2) The Smartphone Use Motivation Scale (23 items) (Lin, 2013); and 3) Interpersonal Relationships Scale (19 items) (Su, 2011). There were 53 items in total in the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, independent-samples t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's product correlations were used to analyze the data. The results were as follows: 1) statistically significant differences were found in age (p< 0.001), health conditions (p< 0.05), way of smartphone purchase (p< 0.01), time spent on the Internet on smartphones (p< 0.001), and total amount of money spent on smartphones (p< 0.001) in overall motivations to smartphone use; 2) statistically significant differences were found in age (p< 0.001), financial status (p< 0.05), health conditions (p< 0.01), time spent on the Internet on smartphones (p< 0.001), and total amount of money spent on smartphones (p< 0.001) in overall interpersonal relationships; and 3) significant moderate positive correlation was found between overall motivations to smartphone use and overall interpersonal relationships (r= 0.55, p< 0.01). Based on the research findings, the researchers provide suggestions to middle-aged and older adults on access to technology products and social participation as well as recommendations for future research.
