  • 期刊


Ideotainment: The Duet of Politics and Popular Culture Under the Xi Jinping Regime




宣傳 流行文化 娛樂 偶像 意識形態 愛國主義


The 40th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s Reform and Opening Policy occurred in 2018. The market economy has not pushed the CCP into democratization, and the one-party dictatorship system has remained. The ideology of the CCP has become the focus of scholars attempting to understand its ability to govern. This study analyzes the ideological policy of Xi Jinping's regime, which places strong emphasis on the role of ideology and the "Chinese Dream" as the core of political thought. The research results indicate that the CCP has adopted the strategy of ideotainment, in which it combines ideology with the elements and platforms of popular culture, to achieve a presence in online entertainment and the daily life of young Chinese. With monopoly control of market access, the CCP co-opts numerous subjects into its ideological work, including market-oriented party media, semiofficial units, and private capital firms. Through variety shows and youth idols, the audience feels the call of the Chinese Dream and patriotism within a relaxed and entertaining atmosphere.


propaganda popular culture entertainment idol ideology patriotism


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