  • 期刊


The Diplomatic Efforts of ROC's Visiting Group to Siam in 1936


民初以來,中國向暹羅提出多次訂約之議,暹方均以時機未到等理由作爲推託之辭,拒絕中國的提議。1932年暹羅革命成功,暹羅新政府與美、英等國改訂平等新約,中國亦圖與暹方訂約,惟暹方無意與中國締約。 1935年5月,由暹羅議員組成的考察團赴日本訪問後,轉往中國訪問。該考察團訪華之行,促使中華民國外交部提出籌組考察團訪問暹羅之議。經過一年的籌備,外交部、財政部、實業部、教育部、僑務委員會及中國國民黨中央黨部,連同銀行界、商界代表一行15人,於1936年5月26日,自上海乘輪前往暹羅訪問。 在爲期一個月的訪問期間,考察團除宣慰華僑,以及至各地參觀訪問外,並與暹羅教育、經濟、外交及內政各部部長商談教育、經貿、訂約、設立商務專員、移民及漁業等問題。 暹羅考察團赴暹之行,是中暹外交上的突破,以往係由雙方駐法、駐義及駐日等使節交涉,或經由專人和僑領與暹羅當局商洽,此次暹羅考察團係由外交部等相關部會及民間銀行和商界的代表組成,不僅是創舉,且與暹羅的各部會首長直接面洽,突破了以往交涉的方式,在中暹外交史上具有相當的意義。


泰國 暹羅 中暹外交 考察團


Since the early years after the Republic of China was formally established, China had many times requested the Siam government to sign a reciprocal treaty, but Siam refused it by saying that it is not the right time yet. After revolution of 1932, new Siamese government started to sign treaty with the USA, the Great Britain, and many other countries. The Chinese government tried to engage in a treaty with Siam. But, Siam was still to keep cool the request from China. In May 1935, a Siam visiting group to Japan came to China on their way home, and after then the Chinese Ministry of Diplomacy organized a group to visit Siam. The members of Chinese visiting group included 15 representatives of the Ministry of Diplomacy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Practical Industries, the Ministry of Education, the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, KMT Headquarters, the banking business and trading business. The visiting group left Shanghai for Siam on May 26, 1936. The group stayed a month in Siam, visiting some overseas Chinese and some places, talking to Siamese ministers of Education, Economy, Diplomacy, and Interior Ministry, touching upon such issues as education, commerce and trade, signing contracts, setting up special agencies for business, immigration, and fishing industry, etc. The visit was a breakthrough in the diplomacy of both China and Siam. In the past, both countries had to negotiate through the help of envoys in France, Italy or Japan, or via the help of some special persons or overseas Chinese leaders. This was the first time that both ministers met directly.


