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Human Rights and Legislation: A Study of Copyright Legislation Process


由於知識與國力關係密切,而在傳播媒介的推波助瀾下,知識往往又成爲利潤創造的工具,也因此,擁有先進知識與科技的國際强權,便越來越注重知識傳播的保護與獲利。相對的,包括我國的內在多數開發中國家,爲了利用先進國家的研發成果爭逐全球市場上的一席之地,往往有意或無意的,經由對智慧財産保護的忽視,來降低資訊取得的成本。 也因此,《著作權法》及其他有關智慧財産權保護的法令,在開發中國家自然發展得格外曲折與坎坷。此一狀况也引發了强權勢力的關切,而這些關切,有時也成了開發中國家轉型的重要推力。 本文乃以著作權的立法過程爲例,說明西方價值觀念在我國立法過程中所面臨的狀况。這些過程顯現出,如果沒有西方强權的介入,台灣的政治菁英似乎不可能主動調整觀念,以迎合全球潮流中,國際社會對著作權保護的重視。本文觀察分析的時段,爲政府遷台到2004年8月《著作權法》第十一次修正的五十餘年。半個世紀的時間在證明,缺乏外力的介入,觀念與短視將抹煞立法保護權利的迫切性。


Due to the close relationship between knowledge and national power, an increasing number of developed countries have begun to pay attention to the profits and protection of the dissemination of knowledge. However, many developing countries, including Taiwan, neglected the protection of intellectual property rights for lower information costs to compete with these developed countries. Therefore, the process of legislation in copyright law and other intellectual property issues in developing countries is very intricate and crude. We are hence able to realize that foreign intervention would affect the transformation of Eastern authoritarian regimes. This study emphasizes intellectual property rights and legislation to explain how Western values affect our nation's legislative process, and how they define whether the nature of rights is a basic human right. Therefore, I chose to discuss copyright law to illuminate the relationship between human rights and legislation.


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