  • 期刊


A Survey of the Implementation of Counseling Supervision and Professional Perceptions in Colleges and Counseling Institutes


在諮商員養成訓練與心理服務專業中,諮商督導制度的健全與落實是極為重要的一環,尤其因應我國心理師法之通過,諮商督導人員的素質與訓練自有其重要性。本研究採取問卷調查法,針對國內大學校院設有心理輔導與諮商相關研究所、學生輔導中心,以及社會輔導機構之行政主管與諮商督導人員,共287位進行調查,探討其對諮商督導制度現況之看法與期望。本研究亦編製一套「諮商督導專業知覺量表」,並比較不同背景諮商督導人員之諮商督導專業知覺的差異情形。 本研究結果發現:1.逾二分之一以上的受試單位已實施督導制度,惟其專、兼任督導人員之聘請、督導經費之核撥、督導設備之設置,以及諮商督導人員之職前訓練或在職訓練的規劃等方面並不完善。 2.諮商督導人員之督導重點在於督導機構內諮商員之個別諮商與團體諮商,大多採取個案報告之督導方式,其諮商督導的頻率相當不一致,亦無固定之督導理論取向;大部分諮商督導人員對督導體制的需求與期望甚殷,強調諮商督導人員學歷與豐富諮商經驗的重要性。 3.諮商督導人員對國內諮商督導人員的培訓工作感到不滿意,其中女性較男性、社會輔導機構較學校機構、本科系與相關科系較非相關科系、高學歷較低學歷的受試者更不滿意於機構內或國內之督導工作環境。 4.在諮商督導人員的專業知覺方面,學歷高者、諮商輔導專業科系者、服務於學校機構者及較資深的督導人員,其諮商督導知覺的專業性愈顯著,亦即愈能發揮諮商督導的角色與功能、愈能自我評量、愈重視督導關係,且愈能發揮適當的督導技巧。 5.行政人員與督導人員對於督導現況的看法頗為一致,亦即對機構內督導專業設備、督導人員的專業訓練、國內督導工作環境、國內督導員教育的師資,均不滿意,但均支持督導人員的證照制度。 基於此,本研究擬進一步建構一套適用於國內諮商督導人員的訓練模式,並驗證其專業效果,同時提出數項專業建議,供國內諮商輔導機構及其工作人員之參考。


With the passage of the Psychologist Law, the quality and training of supervisors has become a top priority. The researchers surveyed 287 participantss, who were either chief administrators or counseling supervisors working in counseling related graduate schools, counseling centers or other counseling institutes. Their perceptions and expectations toward the present counseling supervision system were explored and the perceptual differences among counseling supervisors with different backgrounds were compared. A Counseling Supervision Perception Scale was also developed for the purposes of this study. The findings of the research were as follows: 1. More than half of the agencies have set up the supervision system. However, there is still a lot of work to be done regarding the development of a comprehensive supervision system. 2. Supervisors mainly focus on supervising the work of counselors in their group and individual counseling through case report. The frequency of supervision varied; nor did they have a specific supervisory theoretical orientation. 3. Most participants were dissatisfied with the training of counseling supervisors, especially those who are female, work in counseling agencies, or major in counseling were less satisfied with the working environment within the institutes. Nevertheless, administrators were more satisfied with the environment than supervisors. 4. Supervisors who had received higher education, work in school settings, or were more experienced were better at performing the function of a supervisor. They were also better at self-evaluation and applying supervisory techniques, and pay more attention to the supervisory relationship. 5. Both administrators and supervisors were quite consistent in their perceptions of supervision, i.e., they were dissatisfied with the facilities, professional trainings, and working environment Nevertheless, they both support the credentialing of supervisors. Based on the findings, the researchers plan to devise a supervisor training model. The implications and suggestions of the previous findings are addressed.


Alonso, A.(1983).A developmental theory of psychotherapy.Child Welfare.55,183-189.


