  • 期刊


The Comparison of the Therapeutic Effectiveness in the Relapse Prevention Group Model between Rapists and Child Sexual Abusers


本研究是系列探究性侵害犯在團體治療中發生的現象及其療效的研究之一,目的在了解強暴犯及兒童性侵害犯,在接受團體治療的介入後,是否產生正向改變,並探究此兩類犯對於團體氣氛及耶樂姆團體療效因子的知覺在團體階段的變化。 研究對象共計177人,採實驗組、控制組前後測準實驗設計,以認知扭曲、否認、異性相處、情緒療效等四向度的變項在團體實施前及實施後進行效果評量。實驗組並在團體的前、中、後三期評估團體氣氛及耶樂姆團體療效因子的變化。 研究結果有以下幾項發現:1.兒童性侵害犯較強暴犯有較多變項產生正向改變。2.當比較高中低危險組之療效,發現正向改變集中在兒童性侵害犯的中危險群體。3.兩組受刑人在團體氣氛的投入向度中,均呈現有隨團體進展而逐漸升高之現象;而在衝突向度中,以兒童性侵犯呈現較高衝突,且兩組呈現不一致之趨勢。4.本研究亦發現兩類犯會隨著團體階段的進展,重視不同的團體治療因子。本結果將有助對強暴犯暨兒童性侵害犯在團體治療處遇上的了解。


The present study investigated whether group intervention had significant therapeutic impacts on rapists and child sexual abusers. This study also explored whether the rapists and the child sexual abusers had differences in their view of group climate and the therapeutic factors in different phases of the group process. One hundred and seventy seven sex offenders were assigned to the experimental group and the control group. Four dimensions were assessed at the pre- and post-treatment phases: cognition, emotion, denial, and interpersonal relationships. All of the experimental group members were evaluated by the Group Climate Questionnaire and Yalom Therapeutic Factors Categories at the second, ninth and the last session. The results showed that the child sexual abuser group had more positive changes than the rapist group after group intervention. When comparing the therapeutic effectiveness among six different levels of risk groups, the middle risk of child sexual abusers group had the highest improvement. Group engagement had increased continuously along with time. Finally, this study provided further understandings of the group therapeutic factors concerning rapists and child sexual abusers.


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