  • 期刊


The Exploration and Analysis of the Publication Method of Real Property Transfer in Mainland China


本文從羅馬法及其後不動產物權變動公示方法的歷史考察和分析,就中國大陸不動產物權變動公示方法進行社會調查與實證分析,發現中國大陸目前的不動產物權變動同時並存兩種或多種公示方法。 從歷史考察和貴證分析,本文認為對於中國大陸不動產物權變動的公示方法將有許多啓示。立法必須植根於本土的需求,才能達到法律規範的目的,立法方案應該探用以登記為主「移轉見證」等方式為輔的多元體系。在立法技術上,中國大陸不動產物權變動的公示方法的立法方案可以採用在成文法典中只作一般性規定、利用法解釋來進一步說明、最終通過有關判決加以完善的模式。 最後,本文提出物權本身必須與公示方法區分、不動產物權變動並非必須採登記作為公示方法不可、關於登記的效力也不當然為生效要件、公示方法僅是為了保護交易安全幾個觀念作為總結


From exploration and analysis of the publication method of Roman law and thereafter, this thesis does field study and positive analysis of the publication method of real property transfer in Mainland China. It is found that there more than two publication method of real property transfer exist. From the result of historical approach and positive analysis, it can be enlightenment to the publication method of real property transfer in Mainland China. Legislation must be based on local need in order to achieve the purpose of regulation. For legislation policy, it should adopt a multi-system that recordation plays s a major role and witness of transfer and other method play an auxiliary role. As to legislation technique, it can be provided only general principle of publication in Civil Code, and by means of interpretation and judicial decision to work out an ideal model of the publication of real property transfer
