  • 期刊


Right to Family Life: Constitutional Aspects


家庭權係一既傳統又現代的權利。家庭權係一非完全個人性質,卻需充分顧及家庭成員個人之權利。家庭權係一內國之基本權利,同時又跨國界具普世價值的人權。不可諱言,家庭權正受多元價值、科技發展及無國界理論的衝擊。單就國內法言,憲法、法律與社會三者間,一直處於相互協調或衝突的緊張關係中,一部活的憲法,必須有回應社會變遷的能力,現代憲法的各項原則與權利保護,需能具體落實在下位個別法制中。否則,憲法無法充分反映時代精神,使憲政實際與憲法規範不一致,將會逐漸喪失其生命活力,成為紙上憲法。家庭權既屬於憲法基本權利之內容,何嘗不是如此。此正考驗著吾人的智慧。 基此,本文先將家庭權之概念分為社會意涵與法律意涵兩部分說明之。繼而,介紹以民法親屬編為中心之家庭權,包括婚姻與家庭聯結下之家庭權保障範圍與功能。承上,就既有「家庭權」在現代社會中所面臨之挑戰舉三例論述之:一、「同性婚姻」或「同性生活伴侶」;二、生殖科技;三、外籍勞工之家庭權。最後指出,在多元價值及科技發展風險社會中,寬容理念應在解決類似憲法問題,扮演一定角色。


”Right to Family Life” is a traditional and modern right. It includes not only a personal privilege but also a right to care for every member of the family. It is not only a basic right in domestic law but also a universal value in international law. However, Right to Family Life is challenged by the multi-value society, the development of technology and the Borderless Theory. In terms of domestic law, the tension exists among the constitution, law and society. A live constitution should have the ability to respond to the changing society. The legal principle and protection of right under modern constitution should be enshrined in the legal regulations. Otherwise, the inconsistencies between constitutional norm and practice could jeopardize the life of the constitution. At last the constitution would be reduced to merely providing paper guaranties and would be meaningless and impractical. This paper explores the concept of ”Right to Family Life” from sociological and legal aspect. Furthermore, The Book of Family of Civil Code including the protection of Right to Family Life associated with marrige and family will be introduced. Three issues which are facing a challenge in modern society: 1. homosexual marriage or partnership, 2. reproduction techonology; 3. alien workers' Right to Family Life will be also addressed in this paper. Finally, this paper concludes that the concept of tolerance should play a vital role in resolving such constitutional issues in modern society.


