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The Effect of Acute Aerobic Exercise on the Work Memory and Mandarin Achievement among the Student with Learning Disabilities in Junior High School




Background: The effect of aerobic exercise on cognitive function and academic performance among the students with learning disabilities (LD) is nuclear. This research aims to explore the effect of acute aerobic exercise on the working memory and mandarin achievement among this group in junior high school. Method: a single subject ABAB experimental design is applied. One student with LD in junior high school received 20 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise intervention each time before Chinese class in one semester, and the "Corsi Block-Tapping Test" were used to evaluate the performance of working memory after aerobic exercise. The performance of "Chinese Character Recognition Test (CCRT)" and the "National High School Chinese Dictation Test (NHSCDT)" were applied to measure mandarin performance for this student before and after exercise intervention. Line chart and visual analysis was applied to data analysis. Results: (1) the memory answer accuracy rate was showed increase and the intervention of moderate-intensity acute aerobic exercise may improve the performance of working memory. (2) In perspective of mandarin achievement performance, the scores of CCRT and NHSCDT was increasing and intervention of aerobic exercise may improve the Chinese word recognition performance of students with LD in junior high schools. Conclusion: The intervention of acute aerobic exercise may have a positive effect on improving the working memory and Chinese word recognition among student with learning disabilities in junior high school.


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