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Exploring Images of Japanese Happiness Post-311 Disaster 2011


2011年3月11日大地震之後,日本社會掀起一股追求快樂幸福之道,日本政府甚至將國民幸福度納入國家政策重點。本研究以大阪商業大學JGSS研究中心「2012年社會調查」(Japanese General Social Surveys, JGSS-2012)資料庫數據,採統計學研究方法多元應對分析(Multiple Correspondence Analysis, MCA),探索日本民眾幸福感與社會經濟指標,如婚姻、收入、宗教、教育、性別、健康等變數相關性。研究結果顯示,日本民眾幸福感與婚姻、教育、健康、宗教信仰、不同世代、對未來懷抱希望、參與政治、幫助社會活動具有關聯性。依照馬斯洛需求層次理論來看,311後日本民眾幸福感圖像,不但有「基本需求」;也有「成長需求」之元素。


After the massive earthquake on March 11, 2011, Japanese society set off a way of pursuing happiness and the Japanese government considered that the people happiness as the priority of national policy. This study explores the image of happiness in Japanese society by applying the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) to analyze the correlation between happiness and other socioeconomic indicators. The result of the research showed that in Japan, people's well-being are related to marriage, education, religious beliefs, generations, health, hope for the future, participation in politics, and social activities.


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