  • 期刊


Mentoring Program in Gynecological Traditional Chinese Medicine




Objectives: This study addresses the concerns among trainee physicians during gynecological training. Methods: This study used a retrospective design. We selected and reviewed gynecology-related individual discussion records of the trainee physician and instructor physician between 2014 to 2017 at the Linsen Chinese Medicine and Kunming Branch of Taipei City Hospital. Content analysis was used to reveal the interacting concerns of the trainees and their mentors. Results: In total, 23 discussion records related to gynecology were retrieved. The concerns raised included female reproductive organs, physiological characteristics, the "4 diagnoses," and drug reactions. The results revealed that the trainees were concerned with practice-related issues and the humane care of the mentors. Conclusions: The Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians Training Program Supervised by Chinese Medicine Institution is a teaching program encompassing humanity and practice besides the applied sciences and mind. We suggest including the humanistic literacy of mentors in clinical teaching.

