  • 期刊


The Social Construction of sexuality-The "Interior" and "Exterior" of Marriage


近二十年來,臺灣的離婚率雖然明顯提高,但是整體社會對於家庭價值的看法並無太大改變,或許也因此成為穩固臺灣民眾婚姻的因素之一。學者的研究更發現,臺灣民眾對於婚姻的主觀評價仍然受到傳統家庭價值觀的影響,而追求安定的家庭生活與滿意的子女教育狀況成為影響臺灣民眾婚姻滿意度的基本原因,不像西方社會的婚姻關係以夫妻感情為主。 在社會變遷的過程中,東西方的價值體系不免相互碰撞,有些在東方社會中的核心價值可能在西方社會是次要的選項;有些西方的主流思想在東方社會可能被視為離經叛道。本研究的目的即在透過探討台灣華人夫妻互動相處、親密感受,試圖瞭解那些價值觀隨著社會變遷逐步鬆動或變更,那些在潛移默化中仍持續傳承;哪些文化與社會建構對性別有所影響;甚而隨著社會變遷的軌跡成為台灣社會新的婚姻家庭價值觀。研究者以實際調查問卷和中央院社會所公布的「台灣社會變遷基本調查」研究為主、次級資料分析方式為輔,其具體發現如下: 一、華人文化婚姻的傳統價值觀影響力並未隨著社會多元化逐漸消失。 二、夫妻對情感的表達與需求內斂,互動溝通關係有待增強。 三、個人主義與家庭認同形成矛盾,女性對婚姻的選擇權提高。


Even though the divorce rate in Taiwan has increased noticeably over the past 20 years, the perspectives on family value held by society overall did not change much, which might be one of the factors for Taiwanese marriages to maintain stable. It was further discovered from research that the Taiwanese subjective evaluation for marriage is still under the influence of values from the traditional family; therefore, unlike the marital relationships in western society, which are mainly based on feelings between the husband and wife, pursuing a stable family life and satisfactory education for offspring have become the key indicators regarding the degree of satisfaction in marriages between Taiwanese people. As society transforms, there are bound to be clashes between the value systems of the East and the West as core values in Eastern society may be of secondary importance in Western society. Also, some mainstream ideals in Western society could be deemed deviances from tradition. Through the discussion of the interaction and intimacy between Taiwanese husbands and wives, the objective of this research is to attempt to understand the progressive changing of values with the transition of society, as well as those that continue to carry on and have influence. It also looks at which cultures and social structures have influenced the sexes and become the new marital family values for Taiwanese society. The constructive research results are concluded as below: Ⅰ. The influence of traditional values of Chinese marriage has not disappeared progressively with the diversification of society. Ⅱ. The expressing of emotions and needs between a husband and wife is conservative and the marital communicating relationship has yet to be enhanced. Ⅲ. Individualism and family identification results in contradictions Females have increased their right to choice in marriage


Booth, A.,Johnson, D.,Edwards, J. N.(1983).Measuring marital instability.Journal of marriage and the family.45(2),387-393.


