  • 期刊

Funeral Rites in Pastoral Novels



死亡在牧羊人小說中並非主要議題,然而因愛情或其他因素而亡命,卻是此類作學現象。自義大利先驅 《 雅凱底亞 》 ( 1504 )至西班牙牧羊人小說末期的 《 愛情悲劇 》 品中喪葬祭儀的描繪差異微乎極微,並且處處可見先驅拉丁詩人維吉爾的影響。品中不可忽視的文 ( 1607 )期間,作本文首先釐清四部西班牙牧人小說和 《 唐吉柯德 》 第一部牧人篇的死亡原因與類型,再分析 《 雅凱底亞 》 和 《 卡拉蝶雅 》 緬懷前人的祭儀性質,以及 《 唐吉柯德 》 牧人篇和 《 愛情悲劇 》 裡為愛而亡的牧人葬禮特色,並藉由喪葬祭儀在作品中的文學功能,呈現牧羊人小說更精準的閱讀角度。


死亡i 喪葬 儀式 牧羊人小說 文藝復興 巴洛克


Death, although it is not always the main motif dealed in pastoral novels, is frequently presented either as a result of love, a fundamental argument of the genre, or as an outcome of other types of causes. Nevertheless, from Arcadia (1504) of Sannazaro, a primordial model in this genre, to a later pastoral novel, Tragedias de amor (1607) of Arze Solorzeno, the description of the differences among the funeral ceremonies is scarcely elaborated, in which the legacy of Virgil, the Latin precedent, is constantly seen. This paper first focuses on the classification of the causes and the types of death in the predominant pastoral works. In addition, it analyzes the ceremonial features of obsequies: In Arcadia and La Galatea, the ritual is held because of annual commemoration of a certain important person; the pastoral episode of El Quijote and Tragedias de amor are strongly related to the burials of shepherds in love. From the analysis of the above pastoral novels, the importance of the funeral rites within the works highlightened, and to some extent, their function also reveals the literary and ideological tendencies of the authors respectively. I, eventually, hope to present a deeper and more extensive perspective to evaluate pastoral novels.
