  • 期刊


An Analysis of Korean language education in Taiwan senior high school as a second foreign language




Recent years have witnessed an upward trend in the number of Korean learners, among which the number of high school students shows large increase. This article aims to examine the current situation of high school Korean language education and the changing trend of student numbers in order to find out the existing problems in Korean language education, especially in teachers and teaching materials. Specifically, given that the two major objectives of students learning Korean as a second foreign language in Taiwan are closely related to "Korean wave" and personal interests, the article will examine whether the Korean-related courses, teachers, and learning environments offered by current high schools in Taiwan can meet the needs of students as well as achieve learning objectives. In addition, with Sri Lanka's Korean teacher development program and the publication of high school and Korean textbooks in Thailand as a reference, this article will also study the environment for preparing Korean language learning in the future, with a view to finding a new model for future Korean language education in high school.


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